Unify Around Consistent Messaging that Expresses Your Value, Impact, and Culture

Work with us to create branded messaging that truly reflects your culture, elevates your cause, showcases your theory of change, and connects with the right audiences.

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  • Bridgecare grid
  • Cabrillo grid
  • Lyra grid
  • MBARI grid
  • MYNT grid
  • Nourish grid

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Create a Compelling Impact Story

Convey your effectiveness to funders, followers, and advocates. Develop an impact story that defines your niche, sets you apart, expresses your values, and illustrates your vision.

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Inspire Action

Develop messaging designed to attract supporters and move them up the engagement pyramid from interested to fully activate.

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Make a Case for Your Cause

Demonstrate that your cause is worth supporting by clearly articulating the problem, your unique solution, and stories of impact in a clear and understandable fashion.

Brand Narrative/ Impact Story

Tell a clear, concise, and compelling impact story that communicates your goals and how you plan to create the world you want to live in.

Voice, Tone, and Personality

Develop a distinct communication style that can be used across every part of your organization. Maintain a consistent brand tone no matter who delivers your message.

Mission, Vision, and Values

Align your mission and vision statements with the focus of your organization today and into the future. Convey your values to attract staff, supporters, and funders.

Target Audiences

Define the audiences and messaging you need to create a sustainable revenue stream, expand awareness of your brand and cause, and create the change you want in the world.

Branded Copywriting

Collaborate with us to produce website copy that tells your story, celebrates your successes, and inspires people to join your cause — all in a voice specific to your organization.

Book a
Free Discovery Call

Please fill in the form below to meet with us to explore our fit for helping your nonprofit, foundation, or social enterprise reach its true impact potential.

We’re a team of creatives, strategists, and technologists dedicated to exploring how digital experiences can spark real world change.

Johnathan hicken
It's important to us that our guests see the MAH as a hub that connects them with new art and ideas to enjoy. Now, our site makes this easier than ever to discover for themselves.
— Jonathan HickenDirector of Development & Partnerships, MAH

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