Zero Motorcycles

Introducing the first EV Motorcycle

Zero featured

The Challenge

Zero is a world-class, all-electric motorcycle brand. Our work with them was to translate the smoothness and simplicity of the riding experience into an online experience. Because they have an internal design and development team, our end goal was to create a style guide of elements and templates that their team can build upon.

The Outcome

The style guide and templates we supplied leans into a rich black and gold aesthetic with cool greys to balance out the color palette. The light modern font aligns with the thrill of driving a state-of-the-art electric motorcycle.


  • Strategic Brand Building
  • Digital Infrastructure

Focus Areas

  • Climate Action & Environment
  • Science & Technology

Designed to Impress

Like the motorcycles themselves, the brand elements combine a serious and muscular vibe with a light, free-spirited experience along with conveying their products’ industry-leading performance.

Zero Case Study Homepage
Homepage design

Clean + Info Packed

When shopping for a motorcycle, buyers want to dig into the details. We designed interactive pages that provide details without being overwhelming.

Zero Case Study Model Layout
Model Layout

Presenting the Details

For pages with aspirational copy and in-depth information on them, we used white and light grey backgrounds to make reading easy. The photography selections include both static product shots and action images to both inform and inspire.

Zero Design Detail 190822 162128

Concentrated Design

The design on mobile, tablet, and desktop creates a simple, clean experience. We helped them develop a strategy of grouping content on single pages rather than having separate pages for everything. This collects and presents every feature in one place.

Zero Home Detail Mobile

A Digital Roadmap

We came into the project knowing that we would be delivering a Digital Style Guide for them to implement. We worked with their developers to help with the handoff. Separate style guides were created; one for page elements, one for forms and inputs, and one for typography styles.

Zero Styleguide slideshow1
Zero Styleguide slideshow2
Zero Styleguide slideshow3
Zero Styleguide slideshow4

Checking All the Boxes

Like the motorcycles themselves, t design elements are equal parts zen and power. The lightweight font pairs well with the black, white, and grey backgrounds while the gold secondary color grabs visitors’ attention and spurs them to action.

Zero typography tall
Zero forms square

Scope of Work

  • Strategic Brand Building

    • Visual & Messaging Landscape Analysis
    • Brand Identity & Design Systems
  • Digital Infrastructure

    • Digital Blueprints
  • Other

    • Strategy
    • Digital

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