
Building the New Energy Future

Mynt Cutout Logo

The Challenge

Mynt is a sustainable construction consultant and general contractor that’s building for good. Their core mission has always been to change the paradigm for mid-market commercial and industrial real estate by utilizing newer, cleaner, and more efficient energy technologies.

They came to us because they had evolved. Their existing branding, messaging, and visual expression didn’t convey where their current position in the marketplace or the new business model they created.

The Outcome

The brand expression now aligns with the adjectives they brought to our discussions — Daring, Bold, Electric, Distinct, Legit, Visionary, and Cutting Edge. It’s a visual proclamation of who they are as an organization.

The Mynt website clearly defines the company, both in terms of what they do and what they stand for. It also gives visitors simple paths to learn about their different models of engagement, one of which is unique in the industry.

They’re now equipped to advance their goal of helping commercial property owners transform their buildings into alpha performing assets that benefit people and the planet.


  • Strategic Brand Building
  • Content & Campaign Consulting
  • Digital Infrastructure

Focus Areas

  • Climate Action & Environment
  • Science & Technology
  • Health & Human Services
  • Social Equity & Justice
  • Sustainability & Food Systems

The Brand Foundation

The overall brand is built on a strong color palette. Black grounds the brand and stands as a striking statement of originality in the construction industry. The pops of vibrant color align with the rebellious aesthetics of a company leading the charge to sustainability in their market niche.

Mynt color examples

The custom MYNT wordmark is an electric blue that hints at the solar work they do, but also feels architectural, sturdy, and industrial. The Mynt team pointed out that it seems like it’s cut out of a metal slab. With all of those influences, it still conveys refinement and professionalism.

Mynt business cards
Mynt color logo grid

The square “bug” M variation takes advantage of the custom brand letterforms to create a string presence. The lightning bolt icon is designed to enhance the Be Electric catchphrase that’s peppered throughout the brand extension assets.

Mynt logo bug

A Well-Stocked Library

A future-looking organization needs assets that help them move forward. We created a trove of physical and digital assets that gives the Mynt team everything they need to get noticed, advance their marketing efforts, and look good wherever they go.


A Sales Toolbox

We extended the brand and messaging styles into Mynt’s pitch decks. The Sales Deck utilizes a condensed narrative flow designed on the principles of organizing compelling TED Talks. It also pulls from rules of screenwriting, following the three-act structure and creating intentional topic transitions.

Mynt sales deck

A Solid Blueprint

We used wireframes to establish the site needs, information flow, content needs, and the best way to address different audiences.

Those foundational elements let us move into site design and copywriting with a definitive direction.

Mynt home services webpages

Overcoming Preconceptions

In order to communicate effectively, a company needs to understand what they want to convey, how they are perceived, and what customers want to know. We interviewed Mynt’s Chief Development Officer along with five of their customers to get a clear picture.

Mynt quote

Defining a Business Model

Mynt is launching a new business model along with their new brand and site. One aspect of presenting their two engagement models was to name each model in a way that could become shorthand.

Mynt Energy Solutions identifies their traditional contractor-for-hire model.

Mynt Energy Ventures identifies their new long-term partnership model.

Mynt business models

A Brand That Grabs Attention

The strategy for the brand and the messaging was to create something that can’t be ignored. The type style for main headlines is a bold, condensed, and structural font that supports the declarative nature of the copy. It’s used in cutout form and on solid backgrounds to guide the eye.

Mynt headlines

Building New Messaging

As a company that’s constantly evolving in advance of the market, Mynt’s existing messaging didn’t define what they’re doing now or overtly express their social impact mission or core philosophy.

The new website gave them an opportunity to refine their messaging and give their sales and marketing teams and employees consolidated talking points.

A new tagline, Building The New Energy Future emerged from the messaging work. Along with their Be Electric catchphrase, the Mynt team has messaging they can rally behind.

Mynt tagline homepage

Combining Message & Tone

With the website copywriting, we struck a balance between the professional tone of an established contractor and the rebellious attitude of a team driven by social purpose.

Mynt messaging pages
Mynt rebels
Mynt philosophy

Establishing Brand Consistency

Our Brand Style Guide gives the Mynt team everything they need to carry the visual brand and messaging into the future.

Mynt brand book

Making a Statement

MYNT is driven by a deep-seated philosophy. We captured their principles as an interactive manifesto that our development team brought to life.

To keep readers engaged, the copy is sparse and presented using a variety of animations and transitions that create a rhythm and a reader moves down the page. Design elements and copy fades in, is revealed from the top down, slides in from the sides, and more. This variety helps hold a reader’s attention and compels them to continue scrolling through multiple sections.

Flexible Visitor Experiences

The digital experiences used throughout the site are designed to fulfill three priorities:

Engagement & Delight - Subtle animations draw attention to information, rather than the animation itself.
Content Organization - Side scrolling sections allow for significant content that keeps pages short without slowing the reading experience.
Immersion Options - People are able to read deeper content if they like or quickly absorb the main points if they prefer.

Case studies utilize a combination of scannable copy and side scrolling to promote project highlights.

Prepared To Launch

We worked with the Mynt team to create a launch campaign. From helping them craft discussion topics for a launch video, to co-writing the introductory Email, and creating assets for their digital marketing, we helped them get off to a good start.

Mynt campaign assets

Scope of Work

  • Strategic Brand Building

    • Visual & Messaging Landscape Analysis
    • Interviews & Focus Groups
    • Brand Identity & Design Systems
    • Brand Messaging
    • Content & Messaging Strategy
  • Content & Campaign Consulting

    • Brand Extension, Collateral, & Materials
    • Awareness & Growth Campaigns
  • Digital Infrastructure

    • Modern Bespoke Website Design & Development
    • Digital Blueprints
    • Branded Website Content & Copywriting
  • Other

    • Strategy
    • Visual Identity
    • Digital

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