Lakota People's Law Project
Growing Support for Indigenous Peoples

The Challenge
A dedicated long-term partner of the Lakota People, the Lakota People's Law Project (LPLP) partnered with us to create an authoritative site and online experience that informs people about their campaigns and inspires visitors to shift from being empathetic observers to increasingly active participants.
The Outcome
The LPLP site is now the central platform for their multi-pronged approach to winning justice for the Lakota People. Serving as a media outlet for their campaigns, the site showcases successes, acknowledges setbacks, and provides clear actions that supporters can take to reach milestones.
- Strategic Brand Building
- Content & Campaign Consulting
- Digital Infrastructure
Focus Areas
- Climate Action & Environment
- Policy & Advocacy
- Social Equity & Justice
They aimed to inform people about their campaigns, and inspire users to shift from being empathetic observers to active participants. Our approach was to transform the injustices suffered by the Lakota People from abstract to personal. We designed and built a photo-centric site that puts people in the forefront. For every campaign, we decided to create a quick way for visitors to see what progress has been made and what work remains. In the messaging, we struck a tone emphasizing the positive steps already taken while describing the problems yet to be overcome.
Moved to Take Action
The homepage puts taking action front and center with a featured action section at the top of the page, where LPLP can collect petition signatures and/or donations. Below that, featured campaigns are easily accessible, followed by a timeline that demonstrates LPLP's ongoing dedication to the Lakota People.
Campaigns with Context
LPLP organizes action into campaigns. Carrying over design elements from the homepage, each individual campaign focuses on directing site visitors to actions that they can take. The timeline at the bottom of the campaign page spells out the accomplishments and next actions of the campaign.
A Resource Library
We helped LPLP organize the large volume of resources they've collected over the years, including a repository of videos and written content. Robust filters make it easy to find what you're looking for.
Refreshing the Brand
With tribal representatives providing input, we modernized the LPLP brand. We simplified the mark while preserving the equity that had been built over more than a decade. The custom logotype ensures readability while maintaining consistency with their new site.
Scope of Work
Strategic Brand Building
- Brand Research
- Visual & Messaging Landscape Analysis
- Brand Identity & Design Systems
Content & Campaign Consulting
- Brand Extension, Collateral, & Materials
Digital Infrastructure
- Modern Bespoke Website Design & Development
- Action Centers
- Digital Blueprints
- Strategy
- Visual Identity
- Icons & Illustrations
- Digital