AiiM Partners

Investing in a Better Future

Aiim brand identity construction 190104 234436

The Challenge

AiiM investments address climate change through the lens of oceans and their interdependencies with land, air, and energy systems. In the lead-up to a major event, they came to us to create a brand, website, and brand story that highlights their position in impact investing.

The Outcome

The final wordmark expresses impact investment while also conveying their ocean focus. The minimalist site provides the perfect level of information and content flow required to attract both investors and entrepreneurs.


  • Strategic Brand Building
  • Digital Infrastructure

Focus Areas

  • Climate Action & Environment

The Brand Progression

An acronym for Alpha Impact Investment Management, the 'a' in AiiM wordmark is a play on Alpha, the first letter of the Greek alphabet. From there we worked with the flow of the letters to achieve the feeling of inviting professionalism.

Aiim brand identity construction 190104 234436
A balanced wordmark with a subtle sense of motion
Aiim brand identity initial concepts
The evolution from upper case with icon to friendlier lower case stand alone wordmark

Adding Color

The brand extension and website palette of orange, tan, and blue is inspired by coral, sand, and the ocean.

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Coral and blue used as secondary colors using a tan background
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Additional brand extension

Establishing A Style

These distinctive icons represent some of the three primary investment areas that AiiM focuses on and sets the style for future expansion.

Aiim brand identity icons

Mobile Ready

As always, we built the responsive site to present well on any screen size, format, or orientation.

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The distinctive 'a' immediately orients a site visitor
Aiim ui ux homepage 190104 223052
A coral background extends the brand experience

Scope of Work

  • Strategic Brand Building

    • Visual & Messaging Landscape Analysis
    • Brand Messaging
  • Digital Infrastructure

    • Modern Bespoke Website Design & Development
  • Other

    • Strategy
    • Visual Identity
    • Icons & Illustrations
    • Digital

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