Conscious Design Podcast: Making Brands More Impactful and Visible to Customers
Conscious Design podcast Host Ian Peterman sits down to chat with our Founder & Creative Director, Eric Ressler on how to make a brand more impactful. Eric talks about the difference between B-Corps and NGOs, why prioritizing a communication strategy is important for any organization, and how Cosmic walks our clients through a marketing and communication strategy that can’t be ignored by their supporters.
Conscious Design podcast Host Ian Peterman sits down to chat with our Founder & Creative Director, Eric Ressler on how to make a brand more impactful. Eric talks about the difference between B-Corps and NGOs, why prioritizing a communication strategy is important for any organization, and how Cosmic walks our clients through a marketing and communication strategy that can’t be ignored by their supporters.
“We believe that marketing should be one of the key pillars to an organization’s overall strategy of growth in order for them to scale their impact to make a bigger difference.”
Episode Highlights:
- A little bit about Eric and the story behind his social impact agency, Cosmic. [0:30]
- Unfortunately, not all non-profits are structured to do good. [4:25]
- What does Cosmic look for in an impactful organization? [5:15]
- How do you create a company that actually makes an impact vs. something that just ‘looks good’ on paper? [10:45]
- The nonprofit sector does not prioritize marketing and communication as much because there’s a strong need for fundraising. However, this lack of brand messaging hurts them. [16:45]
- If you want to make a difference, you need to craft an impact story that speaks to your supporters. [20:40]
- At the center of everything, there’s marketing. It will help your nonprofit scale. [21:30]
- When does it make sense to have full-time staff working on your communications strategy? [22:45]
- Eric shares Cosmic’s overall approach and strategy on how we make our clients stand out. [29:25]